MSR Trainings

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MSR Trainings

MSR Trainings

Python course content

MSR Trainings offers Python online training through worldwide, Learn Python Training Institute in Hyderabad from the Experts at MSR Trainings


Who Can Learn Python Training

  • Software Developers
  • Professionals from ETL background
  • Big Data professionals
  • Professionals from Analytics background
  • Graduates looking for a career in Python.
Python Online Training Course

Getting Started with Python:

  • Introducing Python
  • Installing Python on Windows
  • Introducing Python IDLE
  • Programming in Interactive Mode
  • Programming in Scripting Mode

Types, Variables and Input/Output

  • Using quotes and escape character
  • String Concatenation and Repeater Operators
  • Using Mathematical Operators with Numbers
  • Understanding Variables
  • Getting User Input with input()
  • Using Strings Methods
  • Converting Values

Flow Control in Python

  • The if Statement
  • The else Clause
  • Using elif Clause
  • The while Statement
  • Avoiding infinite loops
  • Values as conditions
  • Using Logical Operators
  • Planning Your Program with Pseudocode

For Loops and Tuples

  • Using for Loops
  • Using Sequence Operators and Functions with Strings
  • Finding Length with len()
  • Using the in Operator
  • Indexing and Slicing Strings
  • Using Random Module
  • Using Tuples
  • Sequence Operators and Functions with Tuples


  • Using Dictionaries
  • Accessing Dictionary values
  • Adding, Replacing and Deleting key-value pairs
  • Functions: get(), keys(), values() and items()

Lists in Python

  • Creating and Using Lists
  • len() with Lists
  • in Operator with Lists
  • Indexing, Slicing and Concatenating
  • Deleting List Element with del
  • Using Lists Methods such as append(), sort(), reverse(), count(), pop(), remove(), insert() and index()
  • Using Nested Sequences
  • Understanding Shared Refrences

Functions in Python

  • Defining Functions
  • Using Parameters and Return Values
  • Using Arguments and Defaults Parameters
  • Using Global Variables and Constants
  • Variable Scope
  • References

Object-Oriented Python

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Python
  • Creating Classes, Methods and Objects
  • Using Constructor and Attributes
  • Using Class Attributes and Static Methods
  • Understanding Object Encapsulation
  • Private Attributes and Methods
  • Controlling Attribute Access
  • Creating and Accessing Properties
  • Combining Objects
  • Using Inheritance to Create New Classes
  • Altering Behavior of Inherited Methods
  • Understanding Polymorphism

File Input and Output and Exceptions

  • The open Function
  • Input from Text Files
  • Output to Text Files
  • Storing Complex Data in Files with Pickles and Shelve
  • Handling Exceptions
  • Using try Statement with except Clause


  • Using Modules in Programs
  • Writing Modules
  • Importing Modules
  • Using Imported Functions and Modules

Learning Objectives

Course Features:

Choose The Best

Benefits of MSR Training Classes

100% Placement Support

Weekdays/Weekend LIVE classes

One-on-One with Mentors

Free Demo Classes

Industry Oriented Projects

Instructors are from MNC’s

Lab Sessions

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Designed by Industry experts

Recognized Certification


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