MSR Trainings

+91 8074089339

+91 8074089339

MSR Trainings

MSR Trainings

Angular JS course content

MSR Trainings offers Angular JS online training through worldwide, Learn Angular JS Training Institute in Hyderabad from the Experts at MSR Trainings

Who Can Learn Microsoft Business Intelligence Training


  • Software Developers
  • Big Data professionals
  • Professionals from Analytics background
Angular JS Online Training Course
  • What is Angular JS
  • History of Angular
  • Why Angular and advantages
  • Angular language choices

1.ES 2015 and JavaScript

  • Classes
  • Arrow functions
  • Let
  • Const
  • Modules
  • Typescript and its Features
  • Functions in angular
  1. Architecture Overview
  • Components
  • Templates
  • Services
  • Grouping services and components in Modules
  1. Data Binding
  • Directives
  • Development environment and setting up angular application
  • Developing First Angular Application
  • Angular libraries
  • Components – Creating and Using
  • Applying styles and approaches
  • Data binding
  • Property Binding
  • Style Binding
  • Event Binding
  • Two way Binding
  • Input and Output Directives
  • Pipes
  • Internalizations Support
  • Custom Pipes

 4.Component vs directive

  • Built in Directives
  • Custom directives
  1. Validation
  • Template Driven forms
  • Model driven Forms
  • alidators
  • LifeCycle Hooks


  • Creating a service
  • Consuming the service
  • Http Service
  • Observable
  • Promises
  • Routing
  • Authentcation


  • Jasmine
  • Karma
  • Build and Deployment

Learning Objectives

Course Features:

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Benefits of MSR Training Classes

100% Placement Support

Weekdays/Weekend LIVE classes

One-on-One with Mentors

Free Demo Classes

Industry Oriented Projects

Instructors are from MNC’s

Lab Sessions

Doubt Clearance Sessions

Designed by Industry experts

Recognized Certification


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