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MSR Trainings

Selenium with Ruby

Your Gateway to Selenium with Ruby Training in Hyderabad! Unlock the power of automation testing to make the tests cost effective with our comprehensive Selenium with Ruby virtual training from Hyderabad.

Selenium with Ruby course content

In today’s rapidly evolving IT landscape, the demand for professionals skilled in Automation testing is skyrocketing. Selenium automates frequent and recurrent functional, performance, and compatibility testing. This gives developers near-instant feedback for faster debugging, leaving them with more time to code business logic for newer versions/features. Automated testing decreases the testing effort drastically and can help for fast releases. 

Introduction to Ruby

  • What is Ruby?
  • Features of Ruby
  • Ruby setup on Mac/Windows
  • Ruby Mine setup


Ruby Programming

  • Variables
  • Datatypes
  • Operators in Ruby
  • Conditional statements
  • If
  • If else
  • Unless
  • Loops in Ruby
  • While
  • Do while
  • For
  • Until
  • Methods
  • Blocks
  • Modules
  • Classes and Objects
  • Constructors
  • Inheritance
  • Arrays
  • Hashes
  • Exception handing in ruby
  • Handling files in ruby


Selenium with Ruby capybara and Rspec

  • Selenium JSON Wireless Protocol- Selenium API to understand Selenium functionality
  • Selenium Architecture- Selenium internal architecture
  • Setting up stage- Install/ Configure Selenium in windows and MAC
  • Working with different browser- Chrome, IE, Firefox- Challenges with Each browser and Solution
  • Browser Navigation commands
  • Locators in Selenium (id, name, class, xpath and css)
  • Relative and absolute xpath
  • Xpath functions
  • Techniques to create CSS
  • Working with Input box
  • Working with Radio button and checkbox
  • Working with dropdown
  • Working with file uploader
  • Working with buttons
  • Working with links
  • findElement and findElements method in detail
  • Finding multiple elements and performing actions and validations
  • Handling Dynamic WebElement in Selenium
  • Handle Calendar
  • Handle Web table and retrieve data
  • Data Scrapping in Selenium- Extracting all data from Web
  • Dropdown (advance methods)- get All Option, get All Selected Option.
  • Different kind of Waits in Selenium
  • ImplicitWait
  • ExplicitWait
  • FluentWait
  • Switch to commands in Selenium
  • Handle JavaScript Alert
  • Handle Custom Alert
  • Handle Frames using id, name, Web elements
  • Handle nested frames
  • Handle multiple windows/tab
  • Working with Mouse Hover, Right click, Double click, Drag and Drop
  • Capture screenshot in Selenium
  • Create method/Utility for screenshot
  • Headless Browser in Selenium
  • Chrome Headless, Firefox Headless
  • Headless Browser advantage and disadvantage
  • JavaScriptExecutor in Selenium
  • Handle disable Web elements via JavaScriptExecutor
  • Handle hidden Web elements via JavaScriptExecutor
  • Selenium Exceptions
  • How to handle real-time exceptions in Selenium and program for each exception
  • Desired Capability in Selenium
  • Customization of Browser settings using ChromeOption, FirefoxOption, IntenetExplorerOption
  • Validations using Rspec
  • Test cases creation using Rspec


Git/Git Hub

  • What is the code repository
  • Why push the code
  • Git operations such as commit, stage, push, and Pull

Learning Objectives

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